
Robin Aspinall


Robin Aspinall has worked as an economist and market strategist for almost 40 years. After graduating from the universities of Lancaster and Manchester, he led an econometric forecasting team, working alongside some of the UK’s top academic economists. He has wide experience of the City and industry, having served as chief economist for Imperial Group, Hoare Govett, Schroders, Panmure Gordon and National Australia Bank.

In 2000 he co-founded Rhombus Research Ltd with Robert Brooke, Tony Plummer and Peter Warburton and he continues to run the Rhombus Research consultancy, providing economic and market analysis and advice to fund managers and financial advisors. His wide-ranging knowledge and experience of currency, equity and bond markets provides a unique insight into the increasingly complex interrelationships between these markets. He has established a strong reputation for his individual and provocative analysis and for his wry and acerbic market commentaries.

He has made frequent appearances on television and radio and has written regularly for the financial press. He is an elected trustee of the Imperial Tobacco Pension Fund.